Home automation
The business goal
The goal of the project was to create a home automation device with media capabilities. It features different strategies for media browsing. It supports media browsing using Emby Server and views hierarchy and iTunes-like queries. As an addition, we developed a remote controllable device.
We implemented this solution as a driver for a closed home automation embedded platform. Some of the main features are media browsing and remote control of Emby Server (formerly Media Browser). For a remote control device we used a BeagleBone Black single-board computer. A JavaScript driver was developed as a home automation RTI XP Processor. This allows the use of rich user interface creation possibilities of RTI Integration Designer to create a virtual keyboard/mouse front-end.
Technical side
Some of the technologies we used were pure JavaScript environment as well as HTTP and websocket protocols on top of raw TCP sockets. We also applied Emby Server client side API with authorization and live remote session handling.
As a result, our client received positive reviews from crowdfunding sites and was able to move on to production.