Bigdata application for Energy industry
The business goal
The business goal of this project is to facilitate the access and processing of available data about best energy prices across the US.
Our client was an ex-vice president of one of the TOP 10 energy companies in the US. His goal was to provide available information about energy prices all over the US. Due to the specifics of the energy market in the US, the costs of the energy differs between different energy pool facilities, and therefore, states, counties, etc. Therefore, this issue could be solved by aggregating available information about prices and providing it to the end users in web interface.
Technical side
On the technical side we used mainly Java due to the big-data needs (this app updated more than 200m of rows on a daily basis), Node.JS, Redis and JavaScript for internal engine and BingMaps API, HTML and CSS for the UI.
The application worked as follows:
- scraped information about the prices from different occurrences
- consumed data from CSV and APIs
- users could enter information about their energy usage and price from the bills
Based on this information and data stored in the system, the application calculates different alternative cost plans and possible economy that the user could get if they use energy directly from a load point. If the specific alternative cost is accepted by the user the application provides a way to establish a connection between the user and the load point to use energy directly from it.
The user could specify the address of their interest and the application provides full information about units and load points located near a specified location, energy costs and available distribution costs, load zone energy prices and other related information. Additionally the user can view the history of energy prices for the last several years and current real-time and day-ahead prices for unit/load point/load zone.
The application for the online energy price monitoring was completed. Our client is in the process of finding investors.